We hosted a summer bonfire at the barn this week. Living on 4 acres is nice because there is plenty of space and lots of parking. This is where the teens come hang out and build bonfires after Friday night football games. I always want the kids to know that they have a safe place to gather. Having the land has allowed them to have that space to create memories.

My daughter and her group of sweet friends all graduated and will be headed to college in the fall. So many memories have been made at our little barn. I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to watch most of these kids grow up. Celebrating them with this summer bonfire was so fun!

For the Decor
Because it’s their graduation week I decided to make it a little more special for them. I decorated the tables and bought everything needed for smores. I used some flowers and greenery from my garden and used them again the next day in my kitchen https://mylittlewhitebarn.com/simple-patriotic-decorating/ Using these baskets that I had on hand and a buffalo checked tablecloth that I use at Halloween added some texture and pattern to the table. Because it was a summer bonfire I got lucky and found a firework stand open. I grabbed a few along with some sparklers. Let’s be honest, all teenage girls want to do is take “cute” pictures, so I thought the sparklers would be a hit. Of course, the boys loved setting off the fireworks.
I spent no money on decorations. Keeping things simple and using things you have is the key. It doesn’t need to break the bank to host something cute and fun.

It may be the last for them this year, but I have a feeling they will be back for more when they come home to visit!
Hoping these pictures will inspire you to host your own summer bonfire, and give you a few ideas on how to make it special.