I’m no master gardener, but I do love spending time in my garden. I also love having fresh cut flowers in my home. That can get expensive if you pick up flowers from the florist or even the grocery store every week. I decided that this year I would try to grow zinnias from seeds for cut flowers. It has turned out to be not only inexpensive, but so rewarding.

Zinnias are so abundant, but don’t skimp on the seeds. I stumbled upon the cutest little winery/farm on my trip to Fredicksburg Texas last year, called Wildseed Farms. https://www.wildseedfarms.com/ If your ever in Fredrickburg make sure you stop in. While visiting the farm I noticed that they sell seeds by the pound, so I just orderd a pound of each color I wanted. I liked that they had single color options, and I wanted one of my beds to have only white. Next year I think I’ll do a mix in one of my flower beds.

After approximatly 8 weeks after sowing, I have these beautiful full and vibrant blooms. I live in Texas so our last day of frost was pretty early in the year. It’s so nice to pick flowers from my own yard, and to have enough to share with my friends and family. These by far have been the easiest flower I have ever grown. Here are a few tips I learned this season.
- Zinnias grow from seed right in the garden bed, but make sure not to sow too deep
- They grow in full sun, and heat (so make sure you wait until after the last frost)
- Sow seed approximatly 6 inches apart (check the back of your seed packet/different variations may change slightly)
- You will see growth within 4 to 7 days
- Once they bloom they will rebloom if you deadhead them.
- I threw extra seeds in the beds after my first blooms for regrowth. Yes that’s right, I just threw them in the bed

Once again, I am not an expert, these are just tips that worked for me. Hopefully this information will help you decide to grow zinnias! If you want to check out my full garden I shared it a few weeks ago on here. https://mylittlewhitebarn.com/summer-garden-tour-and-blog-hop/