How can I decorate my home on a budget? How can I decorate cheaply? Are these questions that you have asked yourself? I mean now that the weather is so darn hot we are spending more time inside, and I don’t know about you but it makes me want to do some home decorating. Also if you are like me, you need some IDEAS FOR HOME DECORATING ON A BUDGET. There is that dreaded word we all hate “budget”!
Well I happen to have 5 great tips that you can use to decorate your space and do it “cheap”
Number 1: Pillows. Add some throw pillows to any room, and it can change the style of the room. Throw pillows can add, texture, color, or pattern which can really transform any space. It’s also a great idea when you just want to make a seasonal change. Christmas pillows are my favorite!

Number 2: DIY when you can. This one isn’t so easy to do but with all of technology today it’s pretty simple to find out how to do anything just by searching YouTube. Did you know that my home is a fixer upper? Yes, we have gutted most of the rooms in our home, and most everything we did ourselves. We were able to save so much money. I also like to diy small home decor projects too, so remember before buying something out of your budget check to see if you can do it first.

Number 3: Did you see my post on how to change your art work? It take a little more work but you can easily use Etsy as a resource when decorating on a budget The best part about using Etsy is that you are supporting a small business!

Number 4: Paint, paint, and more paint. Yes I know you know this already but when you are decorating paint will be your best friend. It really is the most inexpensive way to change anything. Not just a wall, but anything. Furniture, frames, pottery etc. If you own something that you are thinking of donating, stop first an imagine what it may look like with a differnt paint color.

Last but not least….Number 5: Shop at thrift stores. Yes I know its not always easy, but you might be surprised at what you can find while thrifting. Sometimes you find stuff you didn’t even know you needed ha ha. This is the best way to shop and stay on budget. Trust me, once you start thrifting you won’t stop.

Decorating your home on a budget isn’t always easy, but I’m hoping these reminders help you. Please make sure you are subscibed to my blog so that you don’t miss any of my other tips!