Decorating for the 4th of July and all the other patriotic holidays is not so easy for me. I tend to love all neutrals, and not too much color. Bright red and blues just don’t look very good in my home. With all of that said, my decorating heart loves to add little touches of every holiday in my home.

For the patriotic holidays, I always start with tea staining all my flags. https://mylittlewhitebarn.com/create-a-vintage-looking-american-flag/ I feel like doing this will tone down the flags and make them not so bright! I add them in vases throughout the house, because I love them so much.

I also look for vintage red and blue transferware when I’m thrifting just for a few added color pops. I use the red ones at Christmas and Valentines day too, which is an added bonus.

Lastly, you can’t ever go wrong with a blue mason jars full of fresh picked flowers!

Hope this helps you find creative ways to add a little holiday decor to your home!