I started growing herbs in my garden last year, and found out that it is so easy, and abundant. I mean I’m not kidding, I had so many fresh herbs that I just couldn’t use them all. I made it my mission to find more ways to use herbs, than just cooking with them. Here are 5 of my favorite!

First: Homemade Fresh Lavender Hand Sanitizer
This is so quick and easy to make, and you’ll love it so much you won’t want to buy store bought ever again.
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
4 tb witch hazel
20 drops lavender essential oil
1/4 cup or more if desired fresh lavender
squeeze bottle (I found mine in the travel size section at Walmart)
add all ingredients into your bottle and enjoy right away

Number 2:
Fresh Mint Simple Syrup
Use this for the yummiest tea, or a fun mojito
1 cup water
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup mint leaves
Combine water, sugar, and mint leaves in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let steep for about 30 minutes. Pour syrup in a jar, and enjoy.

Number 3:
Lemon All Purpose Cleaner:
1 1/2 cups of white vinegar
1/4 cup vodka
2 TB fresh lemon thyme
2 TB fresh lemon balm
1 lemon peel chopped
20 drops lemon essential oil
glass bottle
pour ingredients in glass bottle, and let infuse for 2 weeks. Shake before using. Use this for general surface cleaning.

Number 4:
Citrus Rind Air Fresheners
You only need…. citrus fruit of your choice, sea salt, and fresh herbs. This is so simple to make. Slice fruit, empty the rind, fill the inside of the rind with sea salt, and top it with your choice of herbs. Enjoy the freshness for about a week.
P.S. Wouldn’t this be adorable to use as a centerpiece for a fun spring or summer party?

Last but not least! My favorite way to use my fresh herbs.
In all my research to find unique ways to use fresh herbs, can you believe no one mentioned anything at all about the beauty of herbs? I mean they really all are so pretty. My absolute favorite way to use all my fresh herbs, is in a floral arrangement, or just in a pretty vase in my kitchen!

This is just a variety of fresh sage, lavender, and oregano.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I hope this makes you want to start your own herb garden!
[…] Be sure to check out this post for other ways to use fresh herbs. https://mylittlewhitebarn.com/5-easy-ways-to-use-fresh-herbs/ […]