I normally put my scarecrow out in the fall, but this summer I decided to try him out in my garden to scare away the birds. Although he makes a super cute decor piece surrounded by pumpkins,and hay bales he also serves a purpose. He really does scare off the birds! I have noticed a significant difference in the amount of half eaten peaches on my peach trees since I hung this guy up! This DIY garden scarecrow is adorable and super easy.
two long 1 by 4 piece of board, one of them cut shorter (i just used scraps)
nails and a drill
old shirt ( I scoured thrift stores for an old denim shirt, and ended up buying a new one in the mens section at walmart. This is the Dickies brand)
straw hat
and whatever you want to accessorize him with.

This is so simple. Just drill a nail and make a cross.

dress the cross and tie it up on a fence post or pole, drill another nail at the top to hang the hat!

I like to tie a banner, add a scarf, or there are so many cute ways to add a little character to them.

That really was so simple and inexpensive, but has helped my garden so much! I hope you love making this DIY garden scarecrow as much as I did.
Be sure to check out how cute he looks in my garden https://mylittlewhitebarn.com/summer-garden-tour-and-blog-hop/