It’s that time of year that everything seems to be in full bloom. Well maybe not everything, but we certainly have a lot blooming! I love how this garden space looks in the summer, so I thought I would take you on a little summer flower garden tour.
My potting shed is new this year, and I just love it! It’s the perfect space to keep all my gardening supplies, and it so darn pretty.

I always bring the scarecrow out in hopes that he might actually scare of some of the birds, but I’m not so sure it works. Either way he’s pretty cute so I think he can stay.

As you can see, I planted plenty of zinnias. I love them, and they are so easy to grow. This is the second year that I did a whole bed of all white zinnias, but I also added an extra bed of all peach, blush, and coral. I love being able to cut fresh flowers for the house, or to share with a friend from my garden anytime I need too. Having sweet butterflies or hummingbirds visit is an added bonus.

We had a really late and unusual freeze in Texas back in February so I was super worried that my roses might not survive, but luckily they came back just fine. If I didn’t know better I would think the freeze was actually good for them. They have been blooming non stop since the spring, and I’ve had more blooms than ever.

This year is my first year planting dahlia tubers, and I’m excited that I’m starting to see some blooms. I planted about 15 tubers, and it looks like only about half of them took, but they sure are beautiful. I’ll keep trying every year until I can figure out how to get them all to take because they are my favorite flowers.
I am so inspired by the new Dicovering Dahlias book by Floret Farms, trust me if you get a copy you will be too https://www.amazon.com/Floret-Farms-Discovering-Dahlias-Magnificent/dp/1452181756/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=discovering+dahlias&qid=1625540128&sr=8-1
Hope you enjoyed this tour of my summer flower garden, be sure to subscribe so that you won’t miss my next tour!
Oh my word your garden is so peaceful and relaxing looking. I want to come sit and have some tea.
Thank you so much!
I loved your garden tour and I too love Zinnias! This year I could only find a pale orange. Next year I will get seeds and go with different colors! Love everything in your garden. It’s gorgeous! Love the addition of your shed too! I wish scarecrows would chase away the mosquitoes! They are terrible this year in Michigan.
Gardening takes away all the cares in the world it is such a grounding and therapeutic experience for me. It can become a frustrating experience if have any issues with perfectionism. Its taught me to let go when that breast in me pops up. Gardening tills the soul! Can’t wait to see what you plant next!
Thank you so much! I sure do wish the scarecrows would chase away the mosquitos too! Ha ha!
Dang! I broke my wrist and can only type with one hand! Note to self: proofread before pressing send
oh no, hoping for a quick recovery